Click here to Enroll for SuperMindfulness class
A SuperMind is a flourishing mind with enhanced focus, decision making, self-social-life awareness, balance, control, wisdom, creativity, awe, joy, tranquility and more. With a SuperMind, we can maximize our potential and succeed in career and life.
SuperMindfulness encompasses advanced aspects of “mindfulness” (“as is awareness”) and goes beyond it to include other qualities of a SuperMind.
The goal of this course is to help you experience the workings of your specific mind and apply various ideas and tools from psychology, neuroscience and meditation practices to cultivate the qualities of a SuperMind.
We start off with a comprehensive approach to develop “as is” awareness and focused mind. We will apply advanced practices of the mindfulness coupled with insights from psychology and neuroscience to develop an equanimous and flourishing mind. We will examine the role of purpose, motivation, beliefs and habits.
We will train and transform our minds in a nurturing way with the support of a unique community of cohorts.
- Insights from mindfulness, psychology and neuroscience to know your SuperMind
- Mindfulness of breathing and bodily sensations to strengthen concentration and “as is” awareness
- Advanced mindfulness of emotions and thinking along with ideas from psychology to improve equanimity, balance, non-reactivity
- Tune up your purpose and motivation
- Tools to replace afflictive habits with healthy ones
- Guided self assessments and neurofeedback (optional) to evaluate your mind
Benefits to your professional, academic and personal life
- Develop a balanced positive mind
- Develop a new mindset and worldview
- Reduce distractions and mind wanderings
- Increase focus and productivity
- Lower “inner” stress and anxiety
- Revamp your purpose, motivation, habits
- Improve EQ, EQ+IQ = Flourishing
Target audience
This class is suitable for scientifically oriented professionals and anyone who wants to take the challenge of examining their mind and make sincere effort for personal transformation to develop a flourish in life and career.
Application process
You are encouraged to apply early. Class size is limited.
The next class runs from May 7 , 2023 to June 11 , 2023 on SIX Sunday mornings 9:30-11:30am PST – 2 hours of in-person and live online training plus additional 45-minute live evening group sessions on Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu for journaling and practices. Some sessions may be pre-recorded due to instructor traveling.
Please review this schedule carefully and sign up for the class only if you can attend most of the sessions and study the recordings for missed sessions (only completely unavoidable situations will be accommodated). Below is a tentative flow (subject to change).
Session 1, Sunday, 9:30-11:30am – Mind Fundamentals, Know your mind principles, Mindfulness, Guided self evaluation, Cohort formation, Diet for Mind, Setting goals, Starting to build pure awareness and sustained concentration through mindfulness of breathing.
Session 2, Sunday, 9:30-11:30am – Varied breathing exercises, Advanced awareness and concentration with the mindfulness of bodily sensations.
Session 3, Sunday, 9:30-11:30am – Reexamine our emotions and thinking. Insights from psychology and neuroscience as cognitive strategies and biases.
Session 4, Sunday, 9:30-11:30am – Advanced Mindfulness of emotions and thinking. Practices from psychology.
Session 5, Sunday, 9:30-11:30am – Ikigai to refine your purpose and motivation
Session 6, Sunday, 9:30-11:30am – Individual and cohort discoveries and experiences, Integrating insights and practices for the near and long term.
Why 5 weeks long?
This is not “in thru one ear and out thru another” type of a class! It is an experiential and transformative class. It takes time to understand and change our minds! Typically such classes are 8+ weeks long. As such it is ONLY 2 hrs on SIX Sundays 9:30-11:30 with additional practice sessions for daily guidance on Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu evenings.
In-person in San Jose or virtually via Zoom. Parts of the lectures may be pre-recorded sometimes due to instructor travel.
This class is free! Instructors and others are volunteering at no cost. A typical fee for such a class ranges from $300-$500. Fee is fully refunded until the class starts. No refund if cancelled after the class has started. Please note that if you cancel or discontinue after the class starts, you are depriving others from taking the class. Exceptional situations for refund will be evaluated on a case by case basis. No replacement or transfer to a future class is allowed after the class starts.
Training approach
This class combines a science based approach and age wisdom practices and their modern rendition as mindfulness practices.
With basic intellectual understanding, we will spend majority of time on individual and group practices and exercises. Enhance your mind based on mindfulness and psychology practices.
Cohort approach
Individual effort is augmented with group exercises and explorations to develop wisdom in a supportive cohort setting.
Click here to Enroll for SuperMindfulness class
Code of conduct
We follow the code of conduct similar to educational institutions, e.g., https://continuingstudies.stanford.edu/policies/policies-code-of-conduct.
No material given by instructor or generated in the class can be shared with anyone else.
Instructor – Ashvin Radiya, PhD
Ashvin Radiya is a teacher, professor, technologist, scientist and entrepreneur with over 30+ years of industry and academic experience. He has taught Computer Science courses in academics to 100s of students and a wide range of technology courses in enterprises to 1000s of professionals. Over the last 5+ years, he has been studying the workings of mind and brain. He has extensively practiced different types of meditations: concentration, mindfulness, breathing, music/sound, dance and Insight/Vipassana.
He is living by the idea of Love all and Live fully. Currently he plays tennis, Pickleball, Table Tennis, loves all types of music and has just started learning Salsa!
He is an active member of WISE Network for WellBeing Education. He is a Trustee Board Member of IIT Bombay Heritage Foundation, Bay Area Chapter. He is a Founding Board Member of ICC West Valley, Silicon Valley, California. He has a B.Tech. from IIT Bombay and a Ph.D. in Computer Science from Syracuse University.
For any questions, send email to SuperMindLab@gmail.com.
Testimonials for Ashvin Radiya, PhD
Ashvin has a great sense of humor and a depth of practical experience required to run the class that is unmatched. He put so much effort in ensuring that all of us students get 100% of the course is really great. Sharad, IIT-R, SUNY, ASEAN, Silicon Valley, USA
Ashvin has a great mix of theoretical knowledge, practical techniques and helps separate philosophical thoughts from things that actually matter. He is also very calm and leads from warmth, which helped the cohort open up their fears / challenges that led to higher participation and discipline. He is also very generous in that he served us all breakfast every Sunday, and conducted sessions every weekday so that we could build momentum towards our practice. Deep Ojha, IIT-D, Kellogg, Amazon, Silicon Valley, USA
Ashvin has done a ton of research on this topic and has been practicing mindfulness for several years. His practical and simple approach to explaining complex topics was extremely helpful. Also, the cohort approach that he used helps us learn from others as well (e.g., how the cohort is implementing the concepts introduced). VM, IIT-K, Amazon, Silicon Valley, USA
Ashvin is an an astute, selfless and empathetic coach/mentor/guide. HB, IIT-KGP, Kellogg, Wells Fargo, USA
Thanks Ashvin for assimilating all this knowledge and wisdom, and sharing it in a very simple, secular and scientific way. Mohit, IIT-B, Silicon Valley, USA
Kudos to Ashvin Radiya for putting the well thought class together based on his own learning, research, and practice. I appreciate sharing the learning to the world. Thank you Ashvin! IIT-K Alum, PhD, nVent, Silicon Valley, USA
Ashvin is an excellent teacher, very good listener, very good collaborator. He brings forth the concepts in a way that has the least resistance for internationalization, given people’s varied belief systems around meditation and other practices. SK, IIT-M, Fortinet, Silicon Valley, USA
Class Testimonials (from Oct 16-Nov 20, 2022 class)
This is a must-have course for successful people to be super successful and find purpose and meaning in things they want to do. I personally got benefitted greatly as I am able to focus much better and avoid distractions easily. Sharad, IIT Roorkee, ASEAN, Silicon Valley, USA
The course made me more “aware” of the several background processes that our mind goes through in a day without we even realizing it. Honestly, this course can be useful for everyone, especially for those looking for a scientific approach to mindfulness as opposed to blindly accepting the beliefs! VM, IIT-K, Amazon, Silicon Valley, USA
This was a great mindfulness session spread over a few weeks, wherein we gained knowledge regarding meditation techniques and how the mind works. Additionally, we had the benefit of forming a close and meaningful network with people of similar backgrounds. Exchanging thoughts based on similar experience was helpful but also forced us to recognize our inherent biases, an important learning from this course. Deep Ojha, IIT-D, Kellogg, Amazon, Silicon Valley, USA
Today is my one of the biggest victory day in my life. This class gave me clear visibility on various aspects of mindfulness. Although today I overcame the toughest step actual ‘IMPLEMENTATION’. I am really so proud of myself and am feeling so free from inside. Each step taken in this class led me to this final step. A big thank you to my teacher, my fellow cohorts and to myself to move in this positive direction and finally making it happen for myself.
Very useful class for anyone who wants to take ownership of life in general, move towards more balanced approach to life. IIT-K Alum, PhD, nVent, Silicon Valley, USA
Having this course in an alumni cohort setting helped because alumni typically share very similar backgrounds and it was easy to relate to others. SK, IIT-M, Fortinet, Silicon Valley, USA
On Transformations from the class
This was a powerful transformative experience for me. The holistic approach was unique and impactful. HB, IIT-KGP, Kellogg, Wells Fargo, USA
Long streak of daily meditation, Ability to focus for 1 hour at a stretch, Much better focus in my daily job, More gratitude towards the people I work with. Much better focus in my daily job, More gratitude towards the people I work with. Deep Ojha, IIT-D, Kellogg, Amazon, Silicon Valley, USA
This is a six-week course – however, the value of concepts can go a long way in “upgrading” your thought process. For me personally, it was a start of the journey, which I intend to invest further into. By bringing attention to the background processes and wanderings, it helped me focus on a few “things” that needed further internal reflections and then make a plan to “resolve” them. VM, IIT-K, Amazon, Silicon Valley, USA
Class stepwise took from one behavioral concept to another, along with focus on exercise, mindfulness and meditation. Learning and practices i did in 6 weeks helped me immensely during and after the class. I was fortunate to join the class in right time, was facing some challenges at work and these concepts helped me navigate through the challenges positively. IIT-K Alum, PhD, nVent, Silicon Valley, USA
I practiced some meditation near the room’s fire-pit and later on the beach (both early morning) in Half Moon Bay. It was a wonderful feeling of peace and joy!
It rekindled my interest and belief in meditation and also be aware (and micro-aware) of my own mental models. SK, IIT-M, Fortinet, Silicon Valley, USA
Words of wisdom from alumni to students
I highly recommend this course for students, leaders, innovators and entrepreneurs. HB, IIT-KGP, Kellogg, Wells Fargo, USA
I wish some of the concepts introduced in the course (e.g., Ikigai, Default Mode Network) were known to me while I was in my undergrad. It would have equipped me better in making the decisions that I made and focusing only on those things that really matter in the long-term. VM, IIT-K, Amazon, Silicon Valley, USA
I wish i could attend this course 20 years back when I was in college as that would have allowed me to find my purpose much earlier. Sharad, IIT Roorkee, SUNY, ASEAN, ilicon Valley, USA
A common feedback that resonated through the sessions was ‘I wished I learnt these techniques while in high school or at least in undergraduate’. For example, our cohort’s meditation streak to help the mind focus has been the longest ever (almost 8 weeks) due to this course, this when a few of us were introduced to the techniques for the first time ever. Additionally, the course helped me re evaluate my priorities for life and the definition of success. While as an undergraduate, there are several priorities, we are expected to balance and many open questions regarding success in career/ concept of happiness / relationships etc. This course helps build some of those good habits and answer some of those questions, so good to get a head start in life. Deep Ojha, IIT-D, Kellogg, Amazon, Silicon Valley, USA
Earlier an adult person know about these concept the better it will be for their life and career ahead. I felt i started this class right in time so that I could navigate ‘common’ challenges in corporate world. IIT-K Alum, PhD, nVent, Silicon Valley, USA
It will be good to know these concepts when one is young. IIT education is usually hectic and this course will bring clarity to certain decisions that young IITians need to make in their future life / careers. SK, IIT-M, Fortinet, Silicon Valley, USA